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2008-10-08 16:10:00    作者:   来源:大众网  

    华赞(Farzam Kamalabadi)

  华赞,美国未来趋势国际集团 总裁兼董事长(1993.9至今)制定整体策略和方向,并管理涉及商业和贸易、技术转让、投资中介及代表团和会议组织等领域的多个项目。

  Farzam Kamalabadi

  President & Chairman of the Board, Future Trends Group

  Farzam Kamalabadi, a Persian American, born and raised in Iran, educated in Boston, now residing in Shanghai China for over a decade, is one of the very few personalities widely acclaimed both by the Chinese media and also recognized by the China government leadership at large as a true "China Hand" and a leading authority on China.

  Kamalabadi reads and writes Chinese, including writing quality brush calligraphy and composing articles and papers on Chinese ancient philosophy. Moreover, he speaks mandarin as well as a number of other dialects such as Cantonese and Shanghainese.

  Before the end of the Millennium, Kamalabadi had visited over 400 cities covering virtually every single province of China. Also, by then he had personally visited some 2000 factories in China manufacturing all types of products; had conducted scores of major public lectures in Chinese, including several key-note addresses to the national leaders of China at the Great Hall of the People and the State Guest House; was published or featured in over 1000 Chinese media (magazines, newspapers, radio, television programs, and internal circulars and periodicals); had first-hand developed the most impressive network DATA of over 10,000 grassroots organizations including government departments, private and public businesses, media, and so on.

  In 1993, he established Future Trends International (Group) Corporation, a China specialist US Corporation engaged in investment and trade consulting, media relations, government lobbying, and so on. It is recognized as the leader in grassroots government, enterprise, and media relations and networking throughout China.

  This working network encompasses over 900 Mayors or Deputy Mayors, as well as over 50 Governors or Deputy Governors in over 250 cities in virtually every province of China. Moreover, it covers hundreds of media organizations, thousands of local government agencies, numerous private and public entities and prominent personalities.

  On the national level, Future Trends enjoys an equally effective relations with major ministries, agencies, prominent personalities; and with over 100 individual leaders in the top Central Government circles in the ministerial level and above.

  Certain of the articles, reports, suggestions, lectures and conferences of Future Trends have been instrumental in definitive policy changes, or new policy making on the national level (such as China Outbound Investment, First Policy Conference for the Modernization of the Housing Industry, First Policy Conference on the Development of the Western Regions; series of conferences on the U.S.-China Shareholding System), creating new policies and new trends.

  In particular certain of Kamalabadi's proposals such as "China Peace versus China Threat" have been endorsed and signed by President Jiang Zemin, Premier Zhu Rongji, vice-Premier Qian Qichen, and other senior leadership.

  Kamalabadi has been appointed by nearly twenty municipal and regional governments in China as "Senior Economic Advisor".

  A well known figure in the oil and gas and energy sector in China, Farzam Kamalabadi has also served in various capacities for business development or as Senior Advisor to a number of national oil systems such as Oman, Iran, Kuwait, and also China, and has successfully concluded various oil and petrochemical trading deals and projects such as securing oil exploration rights or concessions for specific clients. He is the only foreign personality who is a leader in the two national and also the few provincial private oil and gas associations of China.

  --Updated from the introduction written by the U.S. Department of Commerce, for the Asia Pacific Business Outlook Conference; USC, Los Angeles.


  集团多年以来与中东、北非、西亚、南美等地区世界主要石油天然气资源国的石油系统,包括国家级首脑、石油部长、各国家石油石化总公司领导、各国驻华大使, 以及北美、欧洲、中东、澳洲等地区国家的金融巨头、跨国财团、投资银行等建立了直接、长期、庞大和高层次的系统网络以及密切的合作关系。 公司总裁FARZAM KAMALABADI(华赞)先生已成为上述系列国家的政府部门、能源机构、或跨国集团的中国首席代表,如:阿曼、伊朗、巴林、科威特、索马里兰、刚果共和国等。






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